Momohan Fruit Squash Cream Granule Double Layer Softgel capsule

In recent years, with the development of pharmaceutical and foochealth processing industry, a variety of preparation technologies ancdosage forms have made great progress.The application of new drugadministration technology can give products survival and competitivadvantage. capsule in capsule" this new capsule preparation arises at thehistoric moment.The structure of the "capsule in capsule”is a soft capsulcontaining a traditional hard capsule soft capsule / tab et granules.Thcore technology has been used to release the dosage form in a new way. lnthe process of production, the original core technology and equipment areadopted to retain the effective components of natural raw materials Thcomponents of the internal capsule can be decomposed and absorbed inthe intestinal tract and the effect of slow release absorption can beachieved. The raw materials easily damaged by gastric acid can be put intthe internal capsule, and the raw materials that stimulate the stomach carbe put into the internal capsule. And it can better realize the compatibility osolid and liquid raw materialslt has high transparency, good hearesistance, moisture resistance, sealing performance and toughnessespecially suitable for liquid components with poor taste or smell or easy toxidize and change color capsule in capsule dosage form can bcompatible with many excipients, increasing the solubility of nutrients anchuman availability. At present, this new capsule has been introduced intthe market

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Product Details

1.The raw materials that are easily damaged by stomach acid are placed in the inner capsule, while the outer capsule can contain ingredients that inhibit stomach acid and neutralize it

2.If there is irritation to the stomach, insert it into the inner capsule

3.Need to release and put it into the inner capsule

4.Put it into the inner capsule with a pungent odor

5.Solid state and oil need to be compatible, and solid state is placed in the inner capsule

6.Solids that are easily oxidized and not easily stored are placed in the inner capsule6092a9ac0005dfdaa07c35cc26e9dd6.jpg

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