Small Molecule Weight Loss Capsules

Fucoxanthin Plus Mate 

Tips for Taking:

Core Ingredients:




Take 2-4 capsules daily in 2 divided doses:

After breakfast, 1-2 capsules; After dinner, 1-2 capsules

Each bottle is 60 capsules and can be taken for 2-4 weeks.

Expected subjective and objective changes in feelings:

Within 2 weeks, visceral fat metabolism will be accelerated, hepatic glycogen will increase, satiety will increase during meals, and food intake will decrease.

Within 4 weeks, there will be a significant loss of body weight and a decrease in body fat percentage. I expect to lose about 3kg in 4 weeks.

3 months (6 bottles) is a recommended dosing cycle.

Weight Observation Recommendations:

During the taking period, after getting up early and defecating every day, measure and record [weight, waist circumference]. If you can use a body fat scale to measure [(post-urination) body fat percentage], it would be better!

Dietary Advice:

Maintain your daily eating habits and eat.

There is no need to avoid food, no need to deliberately diet.

Exercise Recommendations:

Maintain a daily exercise routine.

There's no need to deliberately increase your amount of exercise.

If you need to assist exercise, you can refer to the "Core Fat Burning Method", do not run, jump, and do not hurt joints, accelerate the metabolism and consumption of visceral fat, and burn fat statically.

Core Mechanism of Action:

1. Promote the transformation of visceral white fat into brown fat and speed up metabolism.

2. Reduce blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) content, and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) content. It has little effect on the metabolism of "triglycerides".

3. Increase hepatic glycogen accumulation, maintain blood sugar stability, and improve satiety. Fat reduction does not lower blood sugar, and low blood sugar is refused.

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Brand-new mixed capsules of algae extract, brand-new style. Look forward to your consultation.


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